Body Acupuncture
Needles are inserted into very specific points on the body and retained while the patient rests comfortably for twenty minutes. Acupuncture points are chosen according to Traditional Chinese Medicine theory, as well as modern western physiology & anatomy.
Electro Acupuncture
The stimulation of acupuncture points with gentle electrical impulse. Electro acupuncture is effective for chronic and painful conditions. It causes a powerful endorphin release that moderates pain signals.
Battlefield Acupuncture
An innovative pain management needling technique developed by military physician, Dr. Niemtzow. The protocol involves inserting small needles onto the ear which deliver significant pain relief within minutes. The length of the pain-free period can vary from hours, to days, to weeks, depending on the nature of the condition. Corinna is one of the first in Canada to practice Battlefield Acupuncture.
National Acupuncture Detoxification Association auricular acupuncture protocol. This ear acupuncture treatment is effective for addiction, mental health, stress and trauma.
Scalp Acupuncture
This technique integrates Traditional Chinese Acupuncture needling methods with western biomedical knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the brain. It can regulate activities of the brain and body by stimulating reflex areas mapped on the scalp. Most effectively used for nervous system disorders including MS, Parkinson’s, phantom pains, complex regional pain syndrome, and post stroke deficits.
Ear Seeds
The “to go” needle! Used as a stand alone treatment, or incorporated into a treatment session. These are applied to the ear and will stay in place for a number of days. They provide ongoing relief for a wide range of symptoms.