Your initial consult

On the first visit, your practitioner will take a detailed health history, fully investigate your chief complaint and, time permitting, carry out an Acupuncture treatment. This initial consult takes up to an hour and allows preparation of an individualized treatment plan that takes into account your present physical, emotional and nutritional condition while focusing on your main health concern.

Please Bring

Any diagnostic reports you may have from your doctor (Xray, MRI or blood work reports)

A list of medications, herbs, and supplements that you take.

How many visits will I need?

The number and frequency of Acupuncture treatments needed to provide sustained symptom relief can vary. Acute problems, such as pain from a recent injury, may only require a few treatments before the condition is resolved. Chronic conditions such as long standing back pain, disc issues, repetitive strain injuries, PMS, arthritis and other degenerative conditions may take five to ten treatments before you notice significant improvement.

Treatment is recommended 1x weekly or 2x weekly, depending on your particular case. Monthly follow ups may be suggested at the practitioners discretion.

There is no set number of treatments required to treat any given disorder. Each individual responds differently. We will discuss how you felt after each visit and evaluate the next steps to be taken.